Thank you very much for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I was in a bit of a state when I saw Paul and booked him more in hope than anything. He was immediately easy to talk to and after discussing things explained how a hypnotherapy approach would help. Immediately after the first session I had a large improvement and I was given some homework to help. After three sessions I was so thankfully back to my normal self. This was worth more than money. I have since used Paul for other issues too.

Hi Paul, Unfortunately, because you are so good I do not need any more sessions! I have smashed it, thank you! Would be good to stay in touch though. Thank you so much.

I saw Paul having had cigarettes as part of my life for over twenty years. One session and I have been clean and clear of them for nearly two years now. I did have a wobble after 6 months and we had a further half price session, which kept me on my way. Would I recommend Paul? Yes, my life is better for seeing him, both financially and healthwise.

As a competitive ballroom dance couple, we would highly recommend Paul and the work he did with us to help with nerves/adrenalin. He helped us to understand what was going on and gave Brian a useful method that he still uses now to help him stay calm and clear headed. We are continuing to improve our practice and enjoy working hard to achieve the best results we can. Paul also helped us to understand one another’s point of view, which made us work more productively as a team. 

My wife and I saw Paul last year. We saw him together and seperately. Paul managed to make things clearer than counsellors had and we made some big realisations which helped us to understand each other more. Six months on and we are now back on a path together and appreciating things far more. 

I got in touch with Paul regarding hypnotherapy as I struggled with agoraphobia for a number of years, I could only do very limited things outside as long as it was close to home and with people I knew. Paul came to the house, was very attentive and easy to talk to. I definitely feel like the sessions we had have helped me become the person I am today. I’ll always be thankful!

‘My change is better to me than winning the lottery! You have helped me to see more than any of my other therapists in the past I feel so much more relaxed talking with you and you seem to have more understanding of people.’

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